Although the threat from Covid-19 is still here and shows no sign of going anywhere, countries are beginning to relax the restrictions they have placed their people under. For some this is a welcome boost, whilst others are still concerned and will be moving forward with trepidation.
As well as the horrifying death toll that the world has seen, another effect of the virus (and the ensuing lockdown) is the rise in unemployment - businesses have had to lay off staff in order to stay afloat, whereas others have not been so successful and have ceased trading. This means that there are now a large number of people looking for work and are looking to dust off their CV's and brush up on their interview technique.
LinkedIn, the social media platform for professionals, are releasing new tools in response to all aspects of the job hunt, including the job interview itself. They are launching a test version of a new video introduction feature, as well as an AI-powered tool that gives feedback on peoples’ spoken word responses.
LinkedIn have also given some tips on successful video interviews, as this may now be the new norm for job interviews moving forward. The tips they provide include:
For more information, check out LinkedIn's blog post on the subject.
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